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Your Scheme of Work: Signed, Sealed, Delivered

By 15/08/2024No Comments

Thomas Myatt, Head of Geography at John Hanson Community School, offers tips for how Educake can help you to both deliver your scheme of work AND ensure that students retain what they’ve learnt.

Educake can help you with two key questions all teachers ask themselves when planning a scheme of work:

  • How will I know whether students have learnt what they need to?
  • What do I do if they haven’t?


Tailor-Made Quizzes

We teach students about Russia in year 7, and this builds on a range of skills taught across year 7 Geography. Educake allows me to select questions based on the specific skill focus, such as interpreting graphs or data analysis, alongside testing students’ application and knowledge of definitions. In addition, questions can be sorted by difficulty, allowing teachers to set a higher or lower level of challenge for students.

You can personalise quizzes further by adding useful weblinks for students to visit before answering the questions.

Questions Match Exam Specification
Educake lets me take a targeted approach to scheduling curriculum check-ins where they’ll have the greatest impact. Each course matches the exam specification, so I can quickly and easily embed assessments within each unit of work.


Departmental Teamwork

Educake allows for assessments to be saved as templates to be used by multiple classes, years or teachers. As a head of faculty, it means I can set homework for entire year groups at the click of a button, but also gives me the opportunity to set challenging questions for my top set students and share these with my team. All quizzes created can be accessed by colleagues, so you can manage the workload however works best for your department.

Bringing a Scheme of Work to Life

Educake has greatly enhanced my ability to effectively deliver a detailed scheme of learning, check understanding of students, and work on any areas of weaknesses. We have seen a significant improvement in the outcomes of students across both KS3 and KS4. We’ve found that misunderstandings are being picked up on more quickly, so we have more time later in the year for exam revision.

Want to see if Educake is right for your department?