Away for a lesson? Educake allows for meaningful student work with minimal teacher hassle.
Set in advance or at short notice
Whenever you set a test, you can schedule it so that it shows up on students’ My Educake pages when you want it to – not before. Do this for peace of mind when you know you’re going to be away.
Something came up last minute? No worries. You can set a test in seconds on your way out the door.
Your colleagues will thank you
Educake tasks make formative assessment as simple as possible for the staff doing the covering. Students know exactly what they need to do – and if they finish their assignments early, the Revision Wizard can point them in the right direction.
No paper to get lost
You know the feeling: You’ve painstakingly printed, sorted and sticky-noted the cover work and left it on your desk, only to find it, untouched, beneath a pile of paper when you return.
Or how about this one: “I handed it in to [insert name of covering teacher here].” Strangely, the work is nowhere to be found.
Online cover work means no more wandering worksheets or absent essays.
Check in on students without doing any marking
The last thing you want greeting you on your return is a pile of marking. With Educake, you can see at a glance how your students did, which ones engaged with the work, and which ones didn’t.
They know how they’re doing, you know how they’re doing, and they know that you know how they’re doing. Triple win.
Add your own spin with links and attachments
Add links to your quizzes with exam questions, videos, notes, slideshows, study guides, the works… Suddenly you have a full, effective lesson, ready for students to follow at their own pace.
Teacher Top Tip
“Randomise the questions to prevent cheating.” – Michelle, English Teacher
Don’t want students peeking at their neighbours’ screens? On the “Add Extras” page, set your quiz to randomise the question order for each student.
Author Bio: Alison Langley is the Teacher Engagement Lead at Educake. She works closely with teachers to ensure that Educake meets their needs as well as possible. A former English teacher herself, she understands the difference that quality learning resources can make for teachers and students.