To start or renew your subscription, please fill in the order form on this page or contact us at
If you think there’s been a mistake, please email us or call us on 01865 800 808.
Revolutionise your teaching day
Set meaningful homework with all the marking and analysis done for you.
Clear reporting
Get instant analysis of students’ performance and identify gaps in knowledge.
Intelligent personalised revision
Students can create their own quizzes and track their progress on different topics.
Outstanding training and support
Helpful friendly support team there when you need them.
No hidden fees
Complete access with unlimited teacher and student accounts.
Comprehensive coverage
Each question is carefully written so it exactly matches the specification you teach.
What happens when you subscribe?
Within 24 hours we’ll send you an access code for all the teachers at your school. We’ll also help you create student accounts.
Are you on a free trial?
If you’ve had a 30-day free trial we’ll convert your trial into a full subscription. All your existing trial data (teacher logins, student logins, tests and results) will remain.
But, if you want us to clear all your trial data, please contact our support team.
Educake pricing
- English (£880 a year)
- Science (£880 a year)
- Maths (£880 a year)
- Geography (£550 a year)
- History (£550 a year)
- Computer Science (£550 a year)
- PE (£550 a year)
This is payable by invoice at the start of the year’s subscription. If you decide Educake is not right for your school, you can cancel at no charge within 30 days. All prices exclude VAT.
It is just brilliant!
The auto mark saves teacher time but gives immediate feedback to students, allowing the teacher to focus on analysis rather that the process of marking.
Emma, Head of Department
Set up your Educake account
Please enter your details in the form below and we will take care of the rest.
Prefer snail mail?
Simply click the ‘Print Form’ button below and send it to us in the post.